
Been missing...


So I have had no time to do take photos and put them up on my blog lately. I am disappointed, I did say to myself this I would take photos every week, so I have not taken any for about 6 weeks now!!  I have started a new job, which I love, volunteering commitments have gone up to about 20 hours a week, exercising (started boot camp), Masterchef has started which is on 6 nights a week and I just love watching it (unfortunately I have only seen a couple of episodes) and getting ready to head to Melbourne for 2011 Stampin Up convention, which I have been making swap cards for. I will pop a couple of photos up soon. I am pretty impressed.
Speaking of Stampin Up, I have decided to turn my blog into a place where I put up my creations, I will so I will have to start taking photos of them. 

But in the mean time until I actually get all organised I will put up a couple of photos taken the other week while we went out for a walk. I thought they were good.

How crazy is this Caterpillar, big eyes on its butt!! 

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  1. Wow, that caterpillar is so weird!! Great shots!

  2. Love the photo's Kate, especially the Caterpillar.


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