
Stampin Up Convention Melbourne 2011


Well I am home from Convention, it was such a long day of travel, 4 hours on the plane from Melbourne, then another 4 hours in the car drive home. Lucky for me I had a good driver!!  I thought I would pop up a couple of photos of my swap cards up that I made. I forgot to take good photos of them before I gave them all away, so I might knock up a couple more and take a few good photos. These are not the best photo's!!

This one is of my 3-D Neighborhood Swap, this was very popular, they went very quickly.

This was the next popular.

Then, the itty bitty bits swap, I LOVE these punches & stamps.

and lastly, Vanilla Vogue!!

Well it was my first convention and I had a great time. Can't wait for next year!!
Will post a few more photos shortly.

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